Fake News Spotted!!

Why do they tell you not to stuff yourself? "Stop eating like that, you're going to regret it!"

But then go, "Look at that man he's like 80, and he just finished a whole steak!!"

The alien walked away scratching its green wrinkles. "Puzzling. What is healthy? What is not healthy? Wish I had a human stomach. I'd know instantly. But then again, maybe not. If it means it can kill me...what I put in it..."

Published By: Future Headlines Network

Fake News Lemons Turned into Lemonade!!!

IQ lowered for woman who failed to anticipate crime!

She should have seen it coming. But no, she walked into that establishment without a care in the world like she owned the place. Here is the full list of things she could have done -

"She did none of the things we do on a regular basis these days. It's almost as if she was afraid for her privacy or something! That's just rude! Trust the community, you know. Include them...," lamented a classmate on her own insta.

Well, lesson learned!

Published By: Future Headlines Network

Fake News Solved!

Establishment releases first of its kind "Food Law".

"This is the only societal classfication system that makes sense. Everything else, as we learnt, was racist and in the past - "Eugenics" for example. No, that was bad. But telling people what to eat, and exactly what to eat, and what not to eat, and more so telling them what to eat based on what they're wearing or not wearing, all of that - is about who they feel like when they choose what they choose to put into their mouths and send down the food pipe into their stomachs," said a county official selling the already enacted law.

This went on for a while. "Get on board. This is the future."

Published By: Future Headlines Network

Fake News Recap...

She grabbed the microphone.

"Hey! If it's just about exposure!! Watch me." She rubbed her face with a piece of cotton dipped in baby oil. "It's coming off. It is all coming off."


"Say bah now, but wait till I get my first illegal cease and desist. Then you'll see that I have landed!!"

Published By: Future Headlines Network

It's Pouring Catch and Blog!!

Pop-ups are so much fun if they're like carnivals in a tent or the trampoline. Pop-ups on the internet are so annoying, so fucking annoying! So deeply aggravating - I become philosophical.

I think about the deeper meaning. A pop-up that promises goodies jucier than the goodies on the page... interrupting that orgasmic journey so rudely...kind of like when someone taps your shoulder on the dance floor when you're just begining to meld into one soul, with your random partner, that you just met. Or worse, like an actual orgasm blocker...how cruel!! How very cruel...!!!

The Power. Just focus on that. The power this tiny little pop-up has over you!! Your life. Your love life. Your peace of mind. Your nirvana!!

What do you do when faced with such a dilemma?? Can you start a protest?? It's just an email. That's all they want, right?? Typing...typing..done! Phew. Over.

AI is here! New Normal!! Peeking...is it over? No more pop-ups?? EEEEKS!! No, here's amother one and it's ChatGPT!! Wise I was not to have gone to war with the almighty pop-up!!

Published By: Future Headlines Network